Saturday 13 July 2013


Dandruff is a common, harmless, chronic condition of the scalp which is marked by itching and considerable flaking of the skin on the scalp. Although this disease is usually not contagious or life-threatening, it can be very embarrassing as it causes skin flakes to be continually found in/on the hair and shoulders giving them a characteristic dusty and dirty appearance

Normally, skin cells are continually renewed. New cells are produced from within, while old cells are pushed outward to the surface of the skin where they eventually die and flake off.
For most and healthy individuals, these flakes of skin are too small to be seen. But under certain conditions, the rate at which old cells die and new cells are been replaced is unusually rapid, especially in the scalp. In people with dandruff, skin cells may mature and be shed in large, oily clumps which appear as white or grayish patches on the scalp, skin and clothes

Dandruff is caused by the following:

Dry skin: Sometimes an excessively dry skin can cause itchy, flaky dandruff. However, skin flakes due to dry skin are usually smaller and less oily than those from other causes of dandruff, besides, the signs of dry skin will also be evident in other body parts

Irritated, oily skin: Also referred to as Seborrheic dermatitis, this is the most common cause of dandruff. It is marked by the presence of red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales.

Allergic sensitivities: Sensitivities or allergy to certain ingredients in hair care products can lead to dandruff. Sometimes, ingredients found in even dandruff medications can cause allergic reactions: a typical example is Ketoconazole. Usage of different hair products can also irritate the scalp, leading to dandruff

Eczema: This is a skin disorder that can happen anywhere in the body. Its presence in the scalp can result to dandruff

Psoriasis: This is another skin disease that can cause dandruff. Psoriasis causes an accumulation of dead skin cells which then form thick, silvery scales. It commonly occurs on the knees and elbows, but can also affect the scalp

Fungal growth: Certain fungi (Malassezia furfur and Malassezia globosa) occurs naturally on the skin and scalp of healthy people without causing problems. But sometimes it overgrows, feeding on the oil secreted through the hair follicles. This then causes irritation to the skin of the scalp causing more skin cells to grow. 
Overgrowth of these fungi is caused by stress, hormones, a suppressed immune system, excessive oil in the scalp and neurological disorders

Insufficient  and irregular washing of the hair and scalp can also result to dandruff

Dandruff can be treated by use of a gentle shampoo (i.e. if the dandruff is mild) or a medicated shampoo (in the case of a chronic and persistent dandruff). It is best to use shampoos that contain active ingredients like tar, zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, selenium sulphide, ketoconazole etc. For maximum result, massage the shampoo into the scalp and leave for about 5minutes before washing it off.

Other ways of preventing, managing or treating dandruff is to manage stress level, wash hair regularly, and reduce the use of hair products
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