Friday 12 July 2013


Ever seen tongues that look like a strawberry fruit?

 Strawberry tongue is a health condition in which the upper surface of the tongue becomes red and has a bumpy appearance due to inflammation of the tongue papillae (taste buds). Its name is derived because of the similarities in colour and texture between the tongue and the strawberry fruit.

This ailment is actually caused by some underlying health diseases, so it can most appropriately be regarded to as a symptom of such diseases.

Some of the diseases that cause strawberry tongue are:

Scarlet fever: If the person is a child and probably has some other symptoms like high fever, chills, sore throat, etc, he/she might have scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is a disease caused by infection of the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes

Vitamin deficiencies: When the body lacks some essential vitamins such as vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine) and folic acid, strawberry tongue could result

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS): This is another bacterial infection (caused by the bacterial species Streptococcus pyogenes or Staphylococcus aureus) that has strawberry tongue as one if its symptoms. Other symptoms of Toxic shock syndrome are fever, low blood pressure, rash etc

Geographic tongue: This condition is known as Benign migratory glossitis or simply glossitis. It is named for the map-like pattern of reddish spots that develop  on the tongue’s surface. Sometimes the patterns have a white border around them and their location on the tongue may shift with time. Strawberry tongue could also be an aftermath of glossitis.

Kawasaki disease: This is another cause of strawberry tongue in children. It causes other symptoms like enlarged lymph nodes, rash, eye inflammation, high fever, redness and swelling of the hand, feet, mouth and nose.

Treatment of strawberry tongue most often requires treating the underlying disease so as to have a long-lasting effect.

Simple treatment procedures are:

- Administering aspirin to help reduce fever, pain and inflammation of the tongue
     - During the first 5 days, when the strawberry tongue is most severe, lemon juice should be a major part of           your diet. This helps to provide the body with vitamins
     - Gargle the mouth with warm water containing common salt. This should be done first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and the water should be at least a litre
     - While washing the mouth, avoid letting the toothbrush scratch the tongue. Also avoid the use of mouthwashes as they might worsen the ailment
·    - Do not touch or scratch the tongue unnecessarily
·    - Drink enough water so as to help rehydrate your mouth. This is one of the best home remedies for strawberry tongue
·    - It is best to take in more liquid foods than solid foods so as to hasten the healing process. 

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