Thursday 29 May 2014



Halitosis, also known as bad breath or smelly mouth, is a condition in which unpleasant, offensive, and smelling odours are exhaled or released during breathing or talking. It is a very common problem that can affect anyone at any age. Causes of halitosis include: eating strongly scented food; poor oral hygiene; lifestyle such as smoking, drinking and chewing tobacco products; oral health problems such as periodontitis, dry mouth, dental caries etc and even non-oral diseases such as diabetes, acid reflux, liver or kidney problems etc. You can check if you have halitosis by exhaling into your cupped palm and smelling the air, licking the back of your palm and smelling the result, or asking a trusted friend to smell your breath



The NUMEROUS causes of bad breath have been summarized into 3 main causes


Normally, after food has been chewed in the mouth, digested in the intestines, and absorbed in the bloodstream, they are finally carried to the lungs where the scent of the food is given off in your breath. So when we eat certain foods with strong scents such as onions, garlic, spices etc, the scents of these foods tend to stick to our breath for a long time.


This is the major cause of bad breath
After eating, food particles normally stick to the corners of our mouths, crevices of our teeth, and even on our tongue. Ideally, it is advised that you brush and floss your teeth after each meal so as to remove them. This is because these food particles acts as substrates for the growth and blossoming of bacteria which, in turn, releases gases that comes out of the mouth as offensive odour. If these bacteria are still left to themselves, they could form plaques which irritate the gums and eventually form plaque filled pockets between the teeth and gums leading to gum disease (Periodontitis)

Also, excessive drinking, smoking, and chewing of tobacco based products can also cause bad breath, discolouration of the teeth and even irritate the gums


Persistent bad breath could also be an indication of underlying oral diseases. Some of these diseases are:
  • Gum disease: This disease is also known as Periodontitis, and is the result of plaque building up in the teeth. If left unattended to, this disease can damage the gums and even eat into the jawbone. Bad breath could be an indication of an impending gum disease.
  • Dry mouth: This condition is medically known as Xerostomia. Saliva is needed to moisten and cleanse the mouth by neutralizing acids produced by plaque and washing away the dead cells that accumulate on the tongue, gums and cheeks. If not removed, these cells decompose and can cause bad breath. Dry mouth may be caused by salivary gland problems, side effects of various medication or continuous breathing through mouth.
·        Other oral and non-oral diseases that may cause bad breath are yeast infections of the mouth, dental caries, respiratory tract infections, Pneumonia or bronchitis, sinusitis, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, and liver or kidney problems.


You can self-diagnose yourself to know if you have Halitosis. This can be done by:
  • Cup your palm over your mouth, exhale and immediately inhale the exhaled air. The major demerit of this method is that most times you actually perceive the smell of your palm. 
  • Lick the back of your palm, allow the saliva to dry and smell the result. This method often leads to over-estimation 
  • Lightly scrape the back of the tongue with a plastic disposable spoon and smell the dried residue 
  • Ask a trusted adult family member or close friend to smell your breathe. This is the most effective because the person can help you decipher the kind of smell, its possible cause and whether it is coming from the mouth or nose.


Treatment/management of bad breathes and fresh breath tips are as follows:
  • Avoid eating high scented foods in its raw form. Its best you cook them, so as to reduce their scent
  • Chewing gum (this measure is only temporary). In cases of dry mouth, chewing sugar free gums can help stimulate the flow of saliva
  • Treat any underlying oral diseases
  • Reduce the intake of sugary food and drink as these can increase the amount of bacteria in your mouth
  • Low consumption of tobacco-based products and alcohol
  • Maintaining proper oral hygiene: This involves taking steps to greatly reduce the accumulation of dirt and bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth. They are:
    • Use a soft, suitable toothbrush and a toothpaste containing fluoride 
    • Replace your toothbrush at most every 3months 
    • Brush all areas of your teeth, paying attention to where your teeth meet the gums 
    • Clean the tongue adequately, especially the interior part 
    • If possible and convenient, brush your teeth after each meal 
    • Use anti-bacterial or anti-odour mouthwash to gargle the mouth. This should not replace brushing, but can be included as part of your daily routine. Besides, its effect is short-lived
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