Saturday 31 May 2014



Cataracts is a disease in which the clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque, causing a blurry vision. It is the most common cause of vision loss as we grow older. it also occurs in babies when they are born or shortly after birth, this is known as Congenital cataracts. Causes and risk factors of cataracts include: Age, blunt trauma/injury, skin diseases, hereditary/genetic makeup, smoking/drinking, certain drugs and radiation. The major signs and symptoms of cataracts are: blurred or dim vision, fading or yellowing of colours, seeing "halos" around lights etc. The ONLY treatment of Cataracts is surgery to remove the affected lens and replace it with an artificial lens known as the Intraocular lens (IOL)



The lens is an important part of the eye that is usually transparent and clear. Its major function is to focus light rays from objects entering the eye onto the retina* so as to form an image. These light rays chemically react with the cells of the retina. The chemical reaction, in turn, causes electrical responses which is carried to the brain through the optic nerve*. The brain then interprets what we see as vision.

*Retina: a layer of light sensitive cells at the back of the eye*
*Optic nerve: the nerve found in the eye, directly involved with vision*

In a normal eye, since the lens is clear and transparent, it is able to focus light rays on the retina well enough for a sharp image to be formed. But if the lens is cloudy because of a cataract, light rays does not pass through easily and adequately, as a result the image formed on the retina will be blurry and the vision, in turn, will be blurry

For people with cataracts, their vision is similar to looking through a cloudy water or a dirty window.

Cataracts is not contagious and does not cause the eye to shed tears abnormally. It is neither painful nor make the eye itchy or red. It is also NOT a growth or tumour in the eye. Cataracts is the most common cause of vision loss as we age. Both men and women are affected equally. Cataracts may develop in only one eye , but it usually develops in both eyes. When it does, the cataract in one eye may be more severe than the other

What happens during cataracts
What happens during cataracts



These include
  1. Age: Age is the common cause and factor that places us all at risk of developing cataracts - since we will all grow old someday. As we age, the lenses in our eyes become less flexible, less transparent and thicker. Age-related changes cause tissues that makes up the lens to break down and clump together, clouding small areas within the lens. As the cataract continues to develop, the clouding becomes denser and involves a greater part of the lens
  2. Blunt Trauma/Injury: This refers to a physical injury caused to a part of the body due to impact or a force and not by penetration. For example, hitting one's chest on the steering during a car accident will cause a blunt injury. This is different from when a bullet or knife penetrates the body. Blunt trauma or injury such as that sustained from a punch to the eye during a fight causes the lens fibres to swell, thicken and whiten. The swelling normally resolves with time but the white colour may remain. In severe blunt trauma, the capsule that envelops the lens may become damaged, allowing water from other parts of the eye to rapidly enter the lens causing it to swell and whiten. Cataract dues to injury may occur immediately after the injury or some weeks to years afterward. Also, when it appears, it may not increase in size or be progressive
  3. Hereditary/Genetic make-up
  4. Skin diseases: The skin and the lens are very much related (in fact, they have the same embryological origin), and as such can be affected by similar diseases. Skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, ichthyosis and pemphigus may occasionally cause cataracts to develop
  5. Smoking/Drinking alcohol: Cigarette smoking has been shown to cause a two-fold increase in risk of developing cataracts. However, the relationship between alcohol and cataract is yet to be fully established
  6. Certain drugs: some drugs such as corticosteroids (e.g. Prednisolone) can induce cataract development
  7. Radiation: Exposure to radioactive rays such as Ultraviolet light, microwaves and X-rays can have negative effects on the lens, causing cataracts

 Cataracts also occur in babies when they are born or shortly after birth. This is known as Congenital Cataracts and may be the result of the mother having contracted an infection during pregnancy. Older babies and children can also have cataracts. This is referred to as developmental, infantile or juvenile cataracts. These kinds of cataracts may also be due to certain conditions, such as myotonic dystrophy, galactosemia, Lowe's syndrome or rubella. Congenital cataracts don't always affect vision, but if they do, they are can be removed soon after detection.

The characteristic blurring vision associated with cataracts
The characteristic blurring vision associated with cataracts



NOTE: The signs and symptoms given here are those of cataracts caused by age

Cataracts develop very slowly, so most people do not even know that they have them. Long distance vision is more severely affected at first. People with cataracts may have the following signs and symptoms
  • Clouded, misty, blurred or dim vision]
  • Vision may be stained with small spots or dots
  • Increasing difficulty with vision at night or when the lights are dim
  • Fading or yellowing of colours
  • Seeing "halos" around lights
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Double vision in one eye (this is rare though)
  • Glasses need to be changed more frequently
  • Eventually, wearing glasses becomes less effective
Cataracts do not usually cause any change in the appearance of the eye. Any discomforts, such as irritation, aching, itching or redness are most likely caused by some other eye disorder.

Cataracts are not hazardous to the sufferer's health, or the health of the eye, it affects ONLY the lens. But if the cataract becomes hypermature (i.e. completely white), the sufferer may experience inflammation, headache and some pain. Hypermature cataracts need to be removed as soon as possible


Surgery to remove the cataracts is the ONLY effective treatment. And it is advised when the cataracts has become severe, hindering everyday life. Surgery is recommended when the person:
  • Is having trouble looking after him/herself or someone else
  • Finds it difficult to drive
  • Has problems leaving the house
  • Finds it difficult to see or recognize people's faces
  • Has problems doing his/her job
  • Cannot read properly
  • Can no longer watch television properly
Surgery basically involves removing the clouded lens and replacing it with a clear artificial lens implant known as Intraocular Lens (IOL). This artificial lens is positioned in the same place as the natural lens and it becomes a permanent part of the eye
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